Friday, January 26, 2007

Week Two of Swim Lessons

The girls were now very comfortable in the water and Paetan was fearless which I had to be careful of. She would jump into Bianca when it was her turn. Reeghan had her chances on the princess chair where she would jump to Bianca and get toys off her tummy.

The goal for today was to get the girls to go under water from about half way from the bench to grab toys. They did so well and they also learned how to jump off the edge of the pool into Bianca. They both sat down the first couple of times and then they touched their toes one time which is the correct way to jump in.

The girls are so much fun to watch I am impressed with just 2 weeks of lessons how comfortable they feel and Reeghan always watches the other kids and she told Bianca today that she wanted to jump off the edge like a big kid. So she did it! The right way of touching her toes. Paetan did it too. They also continued to work on going underwater towards the toys at the bench. Reeghan even added her arms by herself the last 2 times she did it. Bianca hasn't even showed her how to do her arms. She just watches the other ones around her.