Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Stomach Flu for the Girls

On the 8th of February Reeghan was having a tough time going to bed as usual being that she has her freedom. So we ended up having her in our bed because we couldn't take it any longer. Well around 3am we wake up to her vomiting on our bed. So we clean it all up and run our bedding down to the washer. The morning comes to wake up and she does it once more. She continued for about 24 hours and not wanting to eat anything and on top of that she had diaherria and a fever. It was awful and there is really nothing that you can do for them. I felt so helpless. Kyle came over and along with Trent they asked Reeghan if she wanted a priesthood blessing and she said yes. So they gave her one and this is the first one that she has had that she would remember I am sure.

So once one child gets sick the other is bound to get it and I was concerned because of Paetan being so young. She ended up with it when Reeghan stopped so on the 10th Paetan got the bug along with the diaherria and a slight fever but not as bad as Reeghan did, thank goodness. It was quite the birthday weekend for me we didn't do much at all but try to help and comfort our girls.