Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Nap

I had a NAP today for the first time in a very long time. You wanna know the reason why? Well let me just tell you what brought this on. First of all I NEVER nap during the daytime because it just wears me out to where the rest of the day I don’t do very much. Trent tries to talk me into napping on Sunday’s with him but it doesn’t ever work.

I get that most moms need a nap and I understand that but for me it doesn’t work even if its a cat nap. But today I just wanted to crawl into a ball on my bed and just not wake up for a while. I wanted to sleep away my frustrations.

What are my frustrations you might ask? I am a person that doesn’t like to get frazzled and worked up about random things that are pulling at me. I tend to just tell myself to endure and to just get over it and move forward. I’m a pretty easy going person that at most times flies by the seat of my pants.

Until now....

I’ve had alot on my plate this last week and people pulling for my time. Of course I don’t want to brush people off and I do like to tell people “No” if it gets hairy but for some reason I thought I could take on this load but I crashed hard today!

Your probably waiting for the reasons why and I will tell you:

*Power of Mom Retreat in 2 days
*Trent’s New Office Makeover and Organization
*My 3 church callings! Yes you read it right. I have 3 and all had to be done this last Sunday.
*Being a Mom and Wife
*Dinner Time!

There is alot going on in my mind and with my new mind organization system I think I would have been taking naps everyday this past week! So thank goodness for that to keep my sanity.

When Trent got home today I am sure he wasn’t expecting to rush through his “Costco frozen orange chicken out of the box with instant mashed potatoes and strawberries” to comfort me on the couch when I just let it all out.

I truly love motherhood and my life I do! Its just these moments when I have to suck it up and realize that it will pass and life will go on.

As I was cleaning up Cherrios off the kitchen floor this afternoon that happened to be spread all over by Easton while I was napping, I asked myself the question, “What am I Grateful for?” It made me stop thinking of myself and my little pitty party and realize that I am healthy, I am living a great life, I am a great person and I can handle all things if I have the right attitude.

So there you have it my day in a nut shell. Hopefully some of you can relate.


Unknown said...

You're a wonderful Mommy and wife. Thanks for all you do as you are what keeps our family working together so well. Love you!