Monday, February 14, 2011

A Gift of the Human Body and LOVE

A new perspective on the gift of the human body was brought to my attention today as I listened to a conversation here.

As I listened to their story and the strengths and trials they've had to endure and are still going through today I became just more grateful for my body. Even my pregnant body which continues to change and change each day.

I was hoping with this pregnancy that I would keep up with my exercise regimen but that hasn't quite panned out the way that I wanted it to and so the last few weeks I have been complaining to my husband who gets the grunt of all my complaints. But each time he reminds me that I have a life inside of me and to be grateful that I am healthy and can carry one full term.

Then I listened to this today and just a wave of emotion set in and each time I sit down on my computer I have this picture set up in front to remind me that I can't do it alone and when I start to feel those awful feelings and start to doubt that I need to rely on him for strength to get me through my day as a wife, mother, and friend.

Stephanie Nielson in her conversation was asked about what she is trying to teach her girls about the importance of beauty and she said something so profound to me. She said that inner beauty was created before their mortal body or shell was created so she tries to teach her girls to find that beauty within themselves and then their outward appearance will shine no matter how it looks to others.

So this Valentine's Day I just felt the need to write about this today to remind me that I am beautiful and loved and that I have a wonderful body that God has created just for me! Thank you Nielson's for sharing that perspective with me today.

Also to my Valentine, Trent, who puts up with way more than he should and loves me more and more despite my weaknesses and short comings. He wants to be sure that I am well taken care of and tells me everyday that I am beautiful.

The one special thing that I love about my Valentine is that each Sunday while sitting in our meeting he will lean over to me, even when the kids are being naughty and laying all over me and coloring on me, and whisper that he loves me. I love that and it melts me each time and I know when to expect it and its just a small simple act that I love about my man.


brooke said...

seriously so cute, about what trent says to you at church. love it. dang, i wish we hung out.

Sarah Chapman said...

we can brooke! We aren't that far apart.