Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Neighborhood

I've longed for the day when my family will be settled into a home that we own and my children grow up with the same great friends that they have made on our neighborhood.

That was my life as a kid and my neighborhood growing up was just like that! I had 3 additional mothers who took care of me and feed me and treated me like their own. We took care of eachother's yards and grabbed mail while they were on vacation. We played baseball in the street and rode our bikes up and down Wasatch Way. It was truly a great place to grow up.

We were even able to do alot of service for our neighbors and one in particular was for Tom who was in a wheelchair. On many occasions we helped him out even though he was stubborn about it most of the time and didn't want to accept help. I mowed his lawn and we shoveled his driveway when it snowed.

I want this so much for my children and I long for that day for that type of neighborhood. I want to be the house that my children's friends flocks too to feel safe and secure and more importantly to feel the spirit. I want to host parties and to have annual block parties in the street!

One day, One day I pray!