Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Our trip to the Library

Have many of you have had this similar experience? I pray that I'm not the only one and that you feel my pain.

Each Wednesday I have made it a point to get to the Library with my kids to use the resources there and so today I don't usually take all 3 because Easton is just curious as it is and its just best if I take him myself.

But today I took him along with the girls and at first it was okay and he was playing with the toys that they have there and a 1/2 hour goes by and the girls have still not made their decisions yet and I can just tell that Easton is just going to SNAP and loose interest soon.

I give them the 2 minute warning and they still haven't made their final picks yet. I just decided to bite the bullet and just grab Easton and the two library bags and head to the check out desk. Paetan follows along and Reeghan is frantically looking for her last 2 allotted books.

I put Easton up onto the counter to help contain him so he doesn't run off by himself while I do the self-serve checkout because the librarians weren't at the desk. Then they come when I am almost done and see that he's on the desk and ask me to take him off. I still had one bag to finish checking out and I knew that if I put him down I would be in trouble.

I asked Paetan to watch him while I hurried to check out but he ran off back to the children's section which Reeghan luckily was still at so she grabbed him and then Paetan follows. All I hear is him screaming for his sisters to let go of him and I finish up and round the corner and drop the 2 bags I just checked out and an old lady says to my kids, "Where is your Mother!" in a sharp tone.

I am behind her at this point and I said, "I am right behind you!" grabbed Easton and picked up the bags and walked out!

Whew!!! What an ordeal and I continue to remind myself that its just a moment and that I just need to Breathe! At the library I could only picture in my mind what those people where thinking. "Look at her and she thinks she's going to bring another one into this world" but as I got into the car I told myself not to think such negative things and just realize that if I keep going consistently Easton will learn proper library etiquette (is there one?)

I can do this and I will come off conquering!

P.S. Easton picked this book out at the Library I thought it was very fitting.


marci and josh said...

Congrats on baby number 4. Also you shouldn't worry too much what these others are thinking, they are either way past the stage of small children and have forgotten, or have never had any children of their own. You are doing just what you should be doing. Don't stress too much about all the things you can't handle or change, just those things that you are in control of. Hope you are doing well. Take Care.

Evaly said...

Sounds like my life at the library! This week we went to the storytime and they planted a pot of sunflowers. Well, we were checking out and Carter spills his pot all of the ground and then 2 seconds later McKell spills her pot! Seriously. It was like a bad movie and of course there was a big line of people waiting to check out. Meg is crying in the stroller, Kylie is running outside by herself and I'm trying to pick up soil off the carpet. Finally, I said "There's some dirt spilled over here. Sorry." and ran out. Ug. I have many times worried that people are thinking that I can't handle my kids- and sometimes they are right! I think it takes a lot of confidence to just know that you are doing the best you can and doing what you are supposed to do with your family. Anyway, hope next Wednesday goes better for you :)

Rebecca said...

That old Betty can just chill out. Its like those times at the store and you hear children screaming and yelling. When I was single I would think the same thing "can't they control their kid". Now a mother I just smile at the parents as I walk by. "Been there done that". You are a wonderful mother, If you were to pick me up and try taking me somewhere I would scream too!! Love ya!